Saturday 21 June 2014

Good news and bad news

First the bad news. 

While we were away, I heard my older cousin John had died. That was bad enough but when I got home and learnt more, it turned out that, having lost his mum and dad and never having had children himself, the next of kin is my father. On top of that, as he didn't leave a will or any executors, we are left to sort out his funeral and estate. To make matters even more challenging, when someone threw out the question, ''Who has the time to organise the funeral?' I was the one standing in the corner trying to put a busy look on my face, but I failed miserably to convince anyone that I should be excused this family duty.

So, I have spent the last few days ringing around family and friends, meeting Registrars and Funeral Directors and lots of other stuff like that. I shan't be seeing the boat for a while me thinks.

Anyway, there is some good news. We picked up two 18 week old chickens this evening and settled them down in their new run. Ah, they are so cute! However, while Mabel and Tikka liked their new run at first, they soon decided to launch numerous and very successful escape bids into the garden. We made a few running additions to the pen to try and keep them in but that just seemed to encourage them to try harder so they have been locked in the shed with a perch, a nest box and enough food and drink to see them through the night. 

I now feel a bit like the Commandant of Colditz; quietly pleased with myself at foiling the latest cunning escape but still anxious knowing they are already plotting another one. 

At least they should still be there in the morning, unless they can burrow through solid flooring in seven hours or knock up an improvised glider with my spare bits of wood and rolls of gaffer tape.

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