Tuesday 15 December 2015

Back on air

Following a brief drop off in posts from me, I'm 'back on air'. Whoopee I hear you say.

Anyway, things are quiet in Suffolk. I've been busy over the last few months refurbishing another property to help stretch the pension but things are now quiet in the lead up to Christmas.

One thing to mention was my visit to Tidworth where I, and few other 'Dads' were treated by the 'Lads' to a day of play in the tanks of the Royal Engineers 26 Recce Regiment.

It was called 'Patrons Day' to say thank you to some of the people who support our armed forces but I can't say anymore (Official Secrets Act and all that). All I will say is how proud I felt and what fun we had! Now, zip it.

I also had a great day out at Pickering where the North York Steam Railway celebrated the 1940's with some fantastic events around the town. Again, I mustn't say any more; not because of the Official Secrets Act but because I wouldn't want any more people to attend. It was already packed with hundreds of people dressed in various 1940's civilian clothes and service uniforms and any more people next year might mean I can't get into the pubs!

Also, it's worth mentioning the new dog, Scrumpy. He has settled in well. He's fitting in with our various activities and learning the ropes both on land and water. 

I've resisted the urge to teach him to swim as I don't want him to keep jumping off the boat for fun. I know he can swim if needed but I don't want to keep pulling him out of the water while I'm going along. Nuff said.

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