Monday 23 December 2013

Panto - DONE

Finishing a Panto always brings mixed feelings. Part of you is sad that it's all come to an end after weeks of rehearsal, rubbing shoulders with lots of like-minded people and performing on stage to full houses but part of you is glad it's all over because of the increasing challenge of learning lines, dances and songs, and of course the natural tensions on and off stage.

Overall, it's a great thing to be involved in and its even better when you get the very positive reaction from the audience. The last night (Sunday) was great and I could hear the screams of children including two of my grandchildren (and many grown-ups) as we searched for the ghost that was, of course, behind us!

Now, I've packed away all the gaudy the costumes, left the highly coloured makeup in its box and dumped my well-worn tights and fully padded bra in the wash bin (until next time?!?).

As a final reminder of what I've been doing....

Now, I can get Christmas out of the way and then it's back to the boat for my 3 month Ouse Cruise.

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