Friday 2 January 2015

Retirement plus three

The last month was very busy with other things on the go so I have not been to the boat. However, once Christmas was out of the way, I was able to get away for a couple of nights this week. This happened to coincide with the third anniversary of my retirement - doesn't time fly!

Anyway, with the predicted cold weather, I thought I ought to make sure everything was snug on board so I lit the fire. It took a while to warm everything to a comfortable temperature as Skylark had been lying empty for a month but after a couple of hours everything was comfy (apart from my feet that remained far too cold for far too long).

I found a nice spot in Ely next to the Maltings and pottered about in the town and on board. New Years Eve was a bit noisy with a band playing in the new restaurant nearby but I wasn't bothered by this. I stayed up to watch the Queen concert and fireworks on TV and then turned in.

I left Thursday morning and headed home. As I'm playing guitar and singing at a small 'do' organised by my local AmDram Club on Saturday a spot of practice will not go amiss.

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