Sunday 6 April 2014

Great News!!!!

After 3 months of trying to work out why my Blogs won't open up, I have found the answer (I hope). I've tried speeding up the system by defragging, removing unused files and programmes, removing errors, uploading updates from Windows and changing my operating systems. My last ditch effort was to download the latest Google Chrome thingymajiggy and I can now open up Skylark 2 (and Ebay which didn't work either). I presume this is because Blogger was bought by Google about 3 years ago and they would prefer users to have their latest Google whatsit to run it on rather than someone elses. So, this is just a test post to see if it does actually work.
Anyway, the other great news is that I have finished my 3 month Cruise on the Ouse and Skylark is now berthed in her new home close to the marina owners house. It has a secure car park, a few on-site neighbours and great views of the nearby rookery. Lots more about this later.
Now, let's see if this will work!!!!!

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