Sunday 27 April 2014


As the original paint for Skylark's exterior was ICI Weathershield gloss, I have continued to use it when touching up. I know lots of other narrowboaters use it, and for good reason. Anyway, now that I've come the end of my last pot of Brunswick Green, I have bought a new one from a man at the local Car Boot sale who specialises in this. 

What? I hear you shout. You must be mad!

I think not. He noted the exact formula, the same as if you went into a B&Q or similar, and brought me the new paint the following week. He was able to source the unusual extra dark base which can cause some suppliers problems. 

I haven't used the new paint yet but I have no doubt its the same as if I'd bought it at a high street or national DIY store. He also provided lots of free advice on preparation, application and aftercare. And, if that's not good enough, here's the really good bit, it only cost me £10 a litre; that's less than 50% the DIY superstore price.

It's obviously worth searching out these people.

By the way, something I've learnt over the last year or two is that paint is not what it used to be. It's thinner, doesn't cover very well and doesn't last very long before it needs another coat. Whether painting the outside or interior, I now always go for the higher quality 'trade' variety rather than the much weaker 'domestic' stuff. I've not regretted paying more. It's easier to apply and I'm sure its quality will still be evident in the years to come. Just ask any professional painter - as I did.

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