Friday 25 April 2014

More painting

Change of plan. 

I didn't like the red diamond on the sliding hatch after all that planning. It just wasn't Skylark. So I've gone back to the idea of something less colourful. Something that will be more in keeping with the simple overall look of the boat. So yesterday, I gave the rear section of the roof and the hatch a coat of dark grey undercoat in preparation for it's new look - steel grey gloss on the roof (to match the rear deck) and dark green on the hatch (to match the sides). The bit between and around the two runners will be dark green too.

I may extend the grey along the inside of the hand rails, along the full length of the boat, to 'connect' the front and the back. I feel a lot happier about this now and just need a couple of dry days to complete it.

While I was at Little Ouse Moorings, Danny helped to move his floating dry dock out of the creek. It's being relocated to its new home in the Ely Cathedral Marina. Moving was not a simple job even with the current and wind in its favour but it was made even more complicated when it was found to be too tall to get under the road bridge. Even carefully sinking it proved to be a problem when it hit the bottom of the river. So, the dock is too high, the river is too shallow and the bridge is too low. Thinking hats on guys!

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